

Rowlands Architecture seeks to create well proportioned, beautifully crafted, functional, and sustainable spaces for living in, providing clients not only what they asked for, but with more than they had imagined. We take a down to earth and professional approach, working collaboratively with client and contractors, tailoring a design to suit tastes, needs and budget.

The design process begins through careful listening and the architectural response seeks to be sensitive to context, whilst exploring opportunities to be bold or inventive, enjoying creating spaces which might be small and jewel-like, or something more striking and ambitious.


Once the design has been agreed we offer a range of services including submission of planning applications, tendering to contractors, and overseeing work on site.

Before starting Rowlands Architecture, Thomas Rowlands worked for an award-winning, central London practice for 10 years, eventually becoming Director. In this time, Tom gained a broad range of experience including residential, commercial, cultural and medical buildings, working in particular with existing and historic buildings, often listed or in conservation areas.